PIT 43: From Late 30’s Beginner to Property Expert (With Amanda Alba)

Amanda Alba started her property career a bit later than most, previously living in Spain running a business. She had her daughter Melisa overseas, deciding to come back to Australia after finding it rough and being home sick.

After always having a hidden passion for property, upon Amanda’s return to Australia she had decided to get her real estate license and get started into something she genuinely enjoyed. 

A few years down the track she’s a incredible Property Consultant at Positive and at the top of her game. If there’s one thing for sure, Amanda Alba has done it all and has been through thick and thin. She shares her lessons and roadblocks that have helped shape her to where she is now.

We also discuss – 

6:13 – What’s gotten me here?

14:06 – Dealing with stress & challenges

20:16 – The resilient mindset of an active achiever

36:10 – Meditation and release

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I love hearing people’s property investor tales so if you’d like to share yours then please get in touch with me via email at [email protected] 

You can watch all of these podcasts over on YouTube at Positive Mentor or at positivementor.com.au

About the Author
A 13-Year Property Coach and strategist at Positive Real Estate, Tabitha is a licensed real estate agent in NSW and VIC, and has her Cert IV in both Property Services and Finance. She has personally coached over 600 Clients and her passion for education, property and client results focus everything she does at Positive Real Estate and we’re better for it.