Author: Sam Saggers

UPI 205: Wealth Creation Through Property Investment

Get the expert’s guidance on creating wealth through property investing, all the tips and tricks are here!

From building a safety blanket through an investment moat to taking the right advice from the correct people.

The essentials to making yourself millions through real estate investing are only a podcast episode away. Tune into episode 205 of The Urban Property Investor now.

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UPI 204: This Playbook Made A Client $1.5M In 12 Months

Apartments have recently slowed down in growth, but that won’t be the case for long! Find out just how much the apartment market will boom in the near future.

If you don’t have an apartment in your portfolio now might be the time, on this episode get all the insights on how you can reap in the rewards of the next cash cow!

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UPI 203: How To Invest In Mega Trends

Where to next for us property investors? Where should we be looking to invest our money? In this episode learn how to find and execute on the right trends in order to create big profits out of real estate.

From locations, asset types and even future proofing your portfolio. Everything a savvy investor could ask for and more.

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