
The 27 Strategies to Save & Make Business Owners Millions Webinar

If you own a business, you know it’s a massive rollercoaster ride, especially over the last few years. What pains me is how many mistakes business owners are making that literally cost them millions of dollars.
Apart from dealing with the daily stress of running a business, many business owners are paying too much tax, setting up poor business structures that don’t protect them legally and not knowing how to sell their business when it’s time to exit is just the start.
On top of this, many don’t pay themselves superannuation and have low borrowing capacity from the banks, all whilst their employees get finance at the drop of a hat.

The 27 Strategies to Save & Make Business Owners Millions Webinar

If you own a business, you know it’s a massive rollercoaster ride, especially over the last few years. What pains me is how many mistakes business owners are making that literally cost them millions of dollars.
Apart from dealing with the daily stress of running a business, many business owners are paying too much tax, setting up poor business structures that don’t protect them legally and not knowing how to sell their business when it’s time to exit is just the start.
On top of this, many don’t pay themselves superannuation and have low borrowing capacity from the banks, all whilst their employees get finance at the drop of a hat.

This is why we do what we do

Shannon and Trent E.
Shannon and Trent E.
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The event overall was more informative and inspirational than we could ever have imagined.
Onur C.
Onur C.
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This is a new level of growth for me both financially and personally. I learnt the importance of having a plan with milestones. I can now confidently know what to ask my team of experts. I’m so excited about my financial future and ready to implement!
Jeff H.
Jeff H.
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So many take aways. So much to implement. Brilliant, Thanks to everyone involved
Yasmin O.
Yasmin O.
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Fantastic, can’t wait to turn this into reality - Loved every minute
Peter G
Peter G
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The event is exactly what I was hopping it would be, great learnings, great networking and great people. Tip top job to the team

Who We Are

If you’ve seen Andy Fenton and Jason on Wealth, Wine & Wisdom, you know they are passionate about helping business owners create wealth and do business the right way. 

For the first time ever publicly, Andy & Jason are sharing our 27 Strategies to Save & Make Business Owners Millions. 

Jason started Positive Real Estate over 20 years ago with a mission to transform the way everyday Aussies look at wealth. With an aim to share his expertise in property investing, Jason and his team have successfully coached over 7000 clients and closed over 1000 property deals. 

Andy Fenton is known as a “Financial Guru”. Andy has been part of the finance world for over 15 years and has been coaching professionals and business owners to attain financial freedom. 

Andy and Jason are a dynamic duo with a wealth of knowledge about real estate investing and the share market. They can help you take your financial wealth to the next level.

Are you ready to reduce risk, accelerate wealth and minimise tax?

On this LIVE & FREE Digital Event, we will unveil:

  • How to sell a business for $2 million TAX FREE. This strategy needs to be seen to be believed.
  • Why most businesses have the WRONG STRUCTURE – and the correct structure to maximise your wealth and minimise your tax.
  • Why the “Leaders Eat Last” Movement is a JOKE. For any business to succeed and for you to become wealthy, leaders must eat FIRST.
  • The MONEY MURDERING MISTAKE nearly all business owners make… and how to avoid it. 
  • How to know if your business is an ATM or an Asset.
  • All 27 strategies we use to help business owners create incredible wealth and much, much more.

Positive Mentor is home to over 500 episodes & over 20 courses on wealth creation delivered by industry leaders.

It is the online learning platform to help people who are passionate about property, succeed.