PIT 109: People’s Choice: Tab’s Top Tips to Being a Property Investor

Welcome to Property Investor Tales, Stories From The Front Yard, where I talk to property investors from around Australia about their investing journey. My name is Tabitha Bright and I’m head of Coaching and Advising here at Positive Real Estate, where we help people build wealth through property.   With over 8000 clients across Australia and New Zealand, there are some incredible stories to tell, which hopefully make your investing journey that little bit easier.

In this ‘People’s Choice’ episode that we have hand-picked, I present solo.  I’ve been coaching people on investment for the last 16 years. I’ve invested in property myself for well over that. And I wanted to share some of the top tips that myself and the other coaches here at Positive Real Estate have gleaned along the way about what makes a successful investor. So hopefully a not-to-be-missed conversation with myself. Come and learn all about the top tips to being a property investor. Enjoy!


00:00 Introduction

05:26 The importance of emotional connection

12:35 Do not chase cash flow

18:48 Don’t try and time the market

23:02 Don’t expect too much from your property

30:12 Do something towards your goal of investing every day

Once you’ve listened to this episode, I’d love it if you hit the subscribe button so you get notified every time a new episode drops. 

I love hearing people’s property investor tales so if you’d like to share yours then please get in touch with me via email at  [email protected] 

You can watch all of these podcasts over on YouTube at Positive Mentor or at positivementor.com.au


About the Author
A 13-Year Property Coach and strategist at Positive Real Estate, Tabitha is a licensed real estate agent in NSW and VIC, and has her Cert IV in both Property Services and Finance. She has personally coached over 600 Clients and her passion for education, property and client results focus everything she does at Positive Real Estate and we’re better for it.