Diana and Ward Lambley spent many years skeptical of creating wealth through real estate. In sharing their journey on this episode, you’ll see how this incredible couple made some big decisions in order to get past their skepticism, to the point where they are now in the top 1% of property investors in Australia (people who own three or more properties).
Their decision to embrace a team of mentors, think outside the box, and give real estate time to appreciate are just of the nuggets of wisdom you’ll find in this episode.
We discuss –
1:15- Initial skepticism of real estate
2:45 – Making the decision to join a team of real estate mentors
6:00- Working through the various ways to create wealth
8:16- Choosing not to do it yourself
11:33- A sign of maturity
22:32- having a good team behind you
25:30 – The importance of great property managers
33:13 – Learning more than just real estate
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I love hearing people’s property investor tales so if you’d like to share yours then please get in touch with me via email at [email protected]
You can watch all of these podcasts over on YouTube at Positive Mentor or at positivementor.com.au