Understanding today’s market has a marker all of us have never had before: COVID. From open homes being shut down during outbreaks to wild price rises in certain locations, understanding the market in 2021 is nuanced compared to other rising markets.
Where is Australia’s most undersupplied location? The answer may surprise. What’s up with the real estate FOMO? And how do we fix this supply issue? Oh and one more thing, I’m fundraising for love – yep, my friend Elle is looking for love and I’m going to play cupid and raise money for Room to Read at the same time!
2:16 – Fundraising for Love!
11:46 – FOMO is Everywhere
16:47 – Interest Rates v Rental Yield
20:45 – Australia’s Undersupplied Locations – Masterclass
36:41 – Supply supply supply!
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Take care,