WCC 588: Earning $100K in Positive Cash Flow: How Many Properties Will I Need to Generate My Dream Income?

Last episode Jason spoke about how many properties an investor will need to start generating regular, passive income through real estate. Today he digs deeper and walks through the steps of turning your initial single property investment into two, then three, then five. Jason also discuss the differences between income and positive cash flow and he ends today’s chat with a sneak-peek at THE INCOME ENGINE, a critical framework that investors can use to boost their investment value by as much as 30% by diversifying their investment styles. Let’s Wealth Coffee Chat!

About the Author
From a small town boy growing up in the remote outback of rural Queensland, to becoming the founder of Australasia’s most powerful property wealth creation engine – Positive Real Estate Group CEO Jason Whitton is on a mission to change the way we look at wealth.