WCC 782: Can You Earn $200K a Year and Pay Zero Income Tax? Yes You Can.

In Australia you’re constantly playing the game of tax; what’s that? It’s the back and forth between you and the ATO, the push and shove as you attempt to legally keep the money you earned in your own pocket. In this video, Jason Whitton from Positive Real Estate walks us through ‘The Rule of 30’, that is, the ways that everyday Australians can adjust their personal tax, super and business tax to find significant legal tax cuts and boost their wealth generation. Want to know more? Let’s Wealth Coffee Chat!

About the Author
From a small town boy growing up in the remote outback of rural Queensland, to becoming the founder of Australasia’s most powerful property wealth creation engine – Positive Real Estate Group CEO Jason Whitton is on a mission to change the way we look at wealth.