
27 Secret Strategies to Save
& Make Business Owners Millions

Presented by
Jason Whitton & Andy Fenton

LIVE Digital Event
Friday September 16
9:30 – 12:30pm AEST


On this LIVE & FREE Digital Event Jason and Andy will unveil:

  • How to sell a business for $2 million TAX FREE. This strategy needs to be seen to be believed. 
  • Why most businesses have the WRONG STRUCTURE – and what the correct structure is to maximise your wealth and minimise your tax. 
  • Why the Leaders Eat Last movement is a JOKE. For any business to succeed and for you to become wealthy, leaders must eat FIRST. 
  • The MONEY MURDERING MISTAKE business owners make … and how to avoid it. 
  • How to know if your business is an ATM or an Asset. 
  • All 27 strategies they use to help business owners create incredible wealth
  • And much, much more.

Immerse yourself in this incredible LIVE digital event – September 16 from 9:30 to 12:30pm AEST.

Meet your Mentors

Jason Whitton
From a small town boy growing up in the remote outback of rural Queensland, to becoming the founder of Australasia’s most powerful property wealth creation engine – Positive Real Estate Group CEO Jason Whitton is on a mission to change the way we look at wealth. With over 20 years’ experience in the real estate industry, in which his company has closed over 10,000 property deals, coached 7500 clients, and generated a combined property clientele equity of over 5.1 billion dollars – Jason has never been more dedicated to sharing his knowledge and wisdom to help people on their path to wealth creation.
Andy Fenton

Andy has been working in the world of finance for over 15 years. Commencing his financial career in finance with Protax Financial planning and moving onto achieving various fund management and investment banking roles with some of the most prestigious firms in Australia, and offshore, including Macquarie Bank in Australia and the Bank of New York in London.

As Co-host of the Podcast “Wealth, Wine and Wisdom”, Andy has achieved many qualifications – those relating to finance are: Diploma in Financial Markets (Treasury), Diploma in Mortgage Broking and Finance, Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning, Masters in Applied Finance.

Marcus Pearce

Marcus Pearce is magnificently obsessed with helping people create their exceptional life. A former journalist, radio and television producer, Marcus has interviewed hundreds of the world’s most graceful agers, high achievers and interesting people, many of them on his podcast 100 Not Out.

He is the author of the bestselling book Your Exceptional Life, creator of the Exceptional Life Blueprint and director of The Wellness Couch podcast network. A keynote speaker on exceptional life design, Marcus has delivered training to companies as big as NAB down to local communities. Sectors including banking, health, wellness and real estate trust Marcus to help their teams perform to exceptional standards.

Join us at This Special Event and you will get these 3 exclusive bonus gifts Valued at $497

Bonus #1
“Debt Recycling Masterclass” with Jason Whitton & Andy Fenton

A 60 minute masterclass provided to Jason’s private clients in August 2022.

Jason has a love affair with property, however Andy is a wealth master from other asset classes and has some unique ways to build wealth beyond property only.

Bonus #2
Creating a Tax Free Income in Retirement with Jason Whitton & Andy Fenton

You finally sell the business after a lifetime of hard work. The tap turns off your income. Will your investment portfolio (whatever the asset class) take over efficiently and effectively?

This session includes Andy and Jason’s insights on preparing for retirement, trading capital for income, diversification, retirement tax planning and much more.

Bonus #3
Exclusive access to our Positive Mentor Online Learning Hub

Loaded with property investor educational videos, toolkits, calculators, ebooks and helpful resources to get your property investment journey started.

You’ll get information on investment property tips for beginners as well as the more serious advanced strategies around investment property depreciation and how to reduce your tax.

Why Listen to Jason Whitton & Andy Fenton?

Jason started Positive Real Estate over 20 years ago with a mission to transform the way everyday Aussies look at wealth. With a goal to share his expertise on property investing, Jason and his team have successfully coached over 7000 clients and closed over 1000 property deals.

Andy Fenton is known as a “Financial Guru”. Andy has been part of the finance world for over 15 years and has been coaching professionals and business owners to attain financial freedom. 

Andy and Jason are a dynamic duo with a wealth of knowledge around real estate investing and the share market. If you wish to take your financial wealth to the next level, tune in to Deep Dive starting soon..

What Is The Deep Dive All About?

Welcome to The Deep Dive, a brand new online show designed to take you where others fear to go.

The tough conversations, the big decisions and the real breakthroughs live on the Deep Dive.

Success isn’t found in the shallows … the devil really does live in the detail … and The Deep Dive is determined to bypass crash course webinars and “done for you” turn key systems and instead focus on your unique situation.

We do this by having a no dickheads policy. We can smell a rat from a mile off … and as a result only bring the most well-credentialed experts on to the show to tell their story and share their wisdom.

You’ll find no “one size fits all” experts on The Deep Dive. You’ll only be exposed to people who have won AND lost, felt joy AND pain, and aren’t afraid to share the struggles as well as the victories.

From health and wealth to business and family, The Deep Dive looks at all areas of life rather than just one.

We know that succeeding in business at the expense of family or health is not true success. On The Deep Dive, you’ll only be exposed to incredible women and men who are mastering life as well as their chosen topic.

Marcus Pearce
Host – The Deep Dive
Praise For Jason & Andy

Your knowledge and desire to help and network of industry professionals made getting finance easy and was a pleasure to have you by my side from the initial discussion, all the way to settlement. Thanks so much!"

The support I have received is like nothing I have ever experienced. The off-market deals are fantastic. Hayley, Megan & Jason have gone above & beyond to help me on my wealth journey"

We have had Fenton financial facilitating our yearly planning session for our hospitality group in Ballarat. It was Easy, skilful and life changing. Thank you Andy"

As a speaker, Andy is engaging, funny, talented, knowledgeable, and entertaining. He’s authentic and keeps it super simple. Most people are fearful of finances, so keeping it real and simple is unique."

Thank you Andy and for lifting the weight off our shoulders and allowing us to live the life we dreamed of at our stage of life. You prompted us to get off our backsides and put this into action with confidence. What a great team!.'

I truly appreciate the extensive time you spent going over things, and the way you handled it, it was incredible. From the bottom of my heart, thanks. You're so unlike the boring typical finance guys, and we find this both comforting and reassuring.''

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Positive Mentor is home to over 500 episodes & over 20 courses on wealth creation delivered by industry leaders.

It is the online learning platform to help people who are passionate about property, succeed.