Kerwin Rae


Positive Mentor

Ready to Chat to a Business Wealth Adviser?

Cang Dang The Exit Plan

Cang Dang

A seasoned Mortgage Broking expert with 18 years of hands-on experience, Cang blends his academic prowess with a genuine passion for leadership and family. With notable accomplishments in property and investments, he’s not just your guide but your partner in the journey to success.

Deb Jensen The Exit Plan

Deb jensen

Bringing over 30 years in business and 26 years in investing, Deb’s expertise is vast yet personal. As a member of the Positive Real Estate Team, she’s dedicated to forging meaningful connections and guiding you towards financial freedom.

Michelle Vogrinec


A visionary in market dynamics and consumer behavior, she boasts over two decades of experience in helping businesses pivot and prosper. Expect a journey of discovery, growth, and sustainable success.

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Positive Mentor

Positive Mentor is home to over 500 episodes & over 20 courses on wealth creation delivered by industry leaders.

It is the online learning platform to help people who are passionate about property, succeed.

