Sam Saggers

Sam Saggers grew up the poorest kid in the richest suburb of Sydney. But that’s a story for another day (which he unpacks on episode one). Sam’s work in real estate is rather unmatched; he has helped over 7500 property investors get a leg up in real estate through his work as a property investor.

Over the past 26 years, Sam secured over 10000 property investments totaling over 5.7 billion dollars for his clientele creating over $785,000,000 income for them.

Today, Sam shares his insights to others as an elder on wealth creation, the urban behavioural economy and future trends in real estate, urbanity and business. He is a world-class keynote speaker, a master of business, a futurist and best-selling author. Sam is a dedicated property investor both personally and professionally.

Sam runs a group of successful businesses within the property sector across three countries which began in 2003 from humble beginnings and today employs over 100 talented property professionals. He is a wealth of knowledge and his talks are inspirational, insightful and contrarian. A day with Sam is fun and entertaining, Sam is a true urban property explorer, he spends much of his time getting belly to belly with people, places and property to find the future nudges that will change the game of real estate. He is the anti-CEO type and believes business is about people before profits, culture above all else and the best way to predict the future is to create it.

Today, Sam shares his insights to others as an elder on wealth creation, the urban behavioural economy and future trends in real estate, urbanity and business. He is a world-class keynote speaker, a master of business, a futurist and the recent author of The Future of Property Investing In Australia, Sam’s fourth book on real estate.

My (not so) secret mission is to inspire change for people and businesses that are passionate about property and urbanity and help them succeed in this disruptive world.

Podcasts by Sam Saggers

UPI 210: Property Nightmares

As investors we know that not every investment is a success. In real estate, failures can do a lot of harm to your portfolio and your financial well being. ...

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UPI 209: Living Without the Australian Dream

If you’re just now getting ready to purchase your first home you are well behind. The Australian dream is evaporating with the wealthy taking control of the real estate...

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UPI 208: Unlock Rental Riches: The Secret to Understanding Cashflow

Are you getting the most out of your rents? The market is forever changing and evolving. Make sure you learn all the secrets to understanding cash flow to maximise...

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UPI 207: Predicting The Unpredictable: The Interest Rate Guessing Game

The Reserve Bank of Australia has announced its fifth consecutive decision to leave interest rates unchanged after 13 rate hikes starting in May 2022.  What will this mean for...

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UPI 206: Discover the Secrets Property Investors Use to Legally Minimise Taxes!

Do you want to minimise your tax? This episode will go through all the hot tips and tricks the pro investors use in order to minimise tax and maximise...

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UPI 205: Wealth Creation Through Property Investment

Get the expert's guidance on creating wealth through property investing, all the tips and tricks are here! From building a safety blanket through an investment moat to taking the...

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Blogs by Sam Saggers

Your Property Investment Strategy for 2022 and Beyond REVEALED

Right now, everyone wants a slice of the real estate pie, the problem is that many investors don’t know where to start. This is because 82 per cent of...

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How Property Investors Can Win The Race Against Time

Let’s relate the concept of time back to real estate. There are still so many property investors out there struggling to create wealth purely because they have a false...

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The Money Conversation: Do You Have What It Takes?

It’s one of the biggest pieces of the real estate puzzle and simultaneously one of the hardest for property investors to manage – it’s the money conversation.  Discussing our...

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Where Do You Sit On The Risk Scale?

Risk – when you see that word do you immediately think danger, or opportunity? When we talk about risk in real estate, we’re essentially gauging how willing you are...

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3 Real Estate Rules for Investing With Friends and Family

There are many ways you can raise enough money to buy your first investment property and start building a portfolio. One way to get into real estate is through...

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Four Ways To Help You Double Property Growth!

As a property coach there is one particular strategy that I teach to all of my clients and it is this – The Four Time (4x) Growth Plan. The...

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